Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Jakarta, 9/5/2006 (Kominfo-Newsroom)

The research and Implementation of Technology Bureau (BPPT) as the research and implementation of technology consistently and research the development and the engineering to give solution to find other source of alternative energy.

This matter was sent by the BPPT Head, Prof. Ir. Said D. Jenie, Sc. D. was in the address written that was read out by the Deputy the Information Technology Field, Energy, material & the Environment, Dr. Ir. Marzan A. Iskandar in the opening of Vegetable Oil of the Utilization Workshop Directly as the Alternative Fuel, in Jakarta, on Tuesday (5/9/2006).

They said, the price of petroleum in the world of this year was high enough compared to last year, to revolve US$ 60-70/barel, that could it was worried about strike the Indonesian economy because despite this country the producer of oil, but also including wasteful oil in the use of oil, this year was estimated reached 1.13 million barrel per the day.

Whereas the production of Indonesian oil in general only 1.06 million barrel per the day so as to the deficit happen 70 thousand barrel per the day, so as since 2005 Indonesia had the predicate of the importer's country of net oil. The other problem, oil that was consumed was crude oil, at this time with the price of crude oil US$ 70 per barrel, then the price of diesel fuel reached US$ 87 per barrel.

Moreover, the oil refinery capacity could only satisfy the requirement for fuel until 992 thousand barrel per the day. With consumption of fuel that not balanced, where around 43% was consumption of the diesel fuel kind, government was forced to import a third him, because generally an oil refinery did not produce certain kind fuel like diesel fuel until as big as that, the BPPT headword.

The height of the price of world oil and consumption of Indonesian oil according to him, was worried not only will disrupt in a manner the departure tax but also could result in the decline in the exchange rate of Indonesian currency, because of the fall of the foreign exchange reserve importing crude oil and fuel oil, said Said while adding, the government must begin to make use of the source of energy alternative like natural gas, coal, bio-energy and appropriate geothermal the requirement.

So, BPPT carried out various researches including various production technology bio-energy like bio-ethanol, bio-diesel and bio-oil was studied and sat this through the Centre of Development Technology of Energy-TIEM resources also was done by the upper study of the source of alternative energy for the replacement of diesel oil and kerosene that were known with the term “Pure Plant Oil”, he said.

Pure Plant Oil was vegetable oil that was used directly without the modification in manner chemistry. His use needed extra fuel tanks and the heater, as well as the additional filter that make use of hot from the machine to guard vegetable oil stayed hot so that his viscosity is equal to diesel fuel, said Said.

With the existence of various sorts to the replacement of fuel of alternative technology, according to him, was hoped the difficulty could be resulting from the rise in the price of petroleum reduced.


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